Stephen Day (1962- ) trained as a potter with Brother William at The Friary Pottery in Brookfield, Queensland, from 1980-1983. In 1982, he produced a series of platters for the Commonwealth Games Foundation. In 1983, he relocated to Toowoomba and established his own workshop there. In 1995, he began painting as well. In 1997, he changed his name by deed poll to Devil. As a potter he specialises in stoneware exhibition pieces, bowls and vases with celadon, shino, hakemi, tenmoku and copper red glazes. He has exhibited widely in group and solo exhibitions, winning numerous awards, and his work is represented in a range of public and private collections. Marks used at the Friary include 'D' with 'ay' inside (1980), 'S' (1981-2) and SJ (1982-present), all impressed. From 1992, he started using Day (impressed) and, from 1995, Devil (impressed).