Parker, Andrew

Andrew Parker moved to Sydney from New Zealand in 1979, following up earlier studies at Otago Art School, Dunedin, with a certificate from East Sydney Technical College in 1981. He has entries in the 1982 and 1996 potters' directories. In 1982 he was living at North Narrabeen, NSW, and teaching at the Workshop Art Centre, Willoughby. In 1984 he transferred his studio to Uralla, NSW. In 1998, he took up a position as Regional Arts Development Officer in the Upper Hunter. His works are signed with a painted 'Andrew Parker', 'Parker' or 'AP; or with an impressed 'Obp' for Over the Bridge Pottery, Some works have a printed paper label reading 'Jekyll Ware by Andrew Parker of Uralla NSW'.

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Andrew Parker. Teapot Parker, Andrew Andrew Parker. Teapot $70.00

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