Rhonda Boehm / Back
Ceramics in South Australia, 1836-1986 : from folk to studio pottery / by Noris Ioannou. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/19255508
Mystery potter #7: Rhonda Boehm. (2007, July 15). Australian Pottery 1960s to date. Retrieved from http://australianpottery.wordpress.com/2007/07/15/mystery-potter-7/
Rhonda Boehm (pottery judge). 8 July 1987. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://trove.nla.gov.au/goto?i=picture&w=37301725&d=http%%3A%%2F%%2Fimages.slsa.sa.gov.au%%2Fmpcimg%%2F71000%%2FB70869_911.htm
[Rhonda Boehm : Australian and New Zealand Art Files]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/36743792
Rhonda Boehm / Back
Ceramics in South Australia, 1836-1986 : from folk to studio pottery / by Noris Ioannou. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/19255508
Mystery potter #7: Rhonda Boehm. (2007, July 15). Australian Pottery 1960s to date. Retrieved from http://australianpottery.wordpress.com/2007/07/15/mystery-potter-7/
Rhonda Boehm (pottery judge). 8 July 1987. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://trove.nla.gov.au/goto?i=picture&w=37301725&d=http%%3A%%2F%%2Fimages.slsa.sa.gov.au%%2Fmpcimg%%2F71000%%2FB70869_911.htm
[Rhonda Boehm : Australian and New Zealand Art Files]. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://trove.nla.gov.au/work/36743792